

[1976 - ]

Tell my mother not to worry (vi) [2013]

  • marble resin 84.0×57.0×149.0cm

[Audio Guide]

This work is one a series of marble sculptures of the artist’s daughter hiding under sheets and playing at being a ghost. A condition of the series is that it is to be produced only while his daughter believes in ghosts, and the works gradually increase in size, with no two alike. While based on everyday observation, this sculpture also connects to art history, with the folds in the marble clearly evoking fabric enfolding bodies in the graceful and solemn sculptures of the Greco-Roman and Baroque eras. The unexpected combination of the playful activity of a beloved child and the material, marble, which symbolizes might and permanence, raises an important question about art: are ghosts, which exist only to those who believe, analogous to the value of art, which exists only because we believe in it?


Collection Audio Guide