[Audio Guide]
One might wonder why an air conditioning duct is displayed in a museum gallery. Such ducts, usually inconspicuously concealed behind walls, nonetheless play the vital role of maintaining air circulation by connecting the interior and exterior of the building. Charlotte Posenenske, a German artist, precisely replicated the elements of a duct and assembled and installed them in various locations. By doing so, she aimed to provoke thought about fixed relationships between interior and exterior and hierarchies of main and supporting roles. The artist made no rules about how the elements should be connected or positioned. Each time the work is exhibited, those responsible for its installation have the freedom to determine its layout, or to consult others on the matter. The next time you encounter this work, it will likely be displayed in an entirely different manner based on someone else’s decision. Posenenske’s bold challenge, in the 1960s, to the traditional role of the artist and the nature of artwork is taking on renewed significance today.