
Yoshitomo Nara fo better worse Works:1987-2017

Yoshitomo Nara fo better worse Works:1987-2017

奈良美智 for better or worse



The Girl with a Knife in Her Hand, 1991
Collection of Vicki and Kent Logan , Fractional and promised gift to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ©Yoshitomo Nara 1991
Dead Flower , 1994 個人蔵/Private Collection
©Yoshitomo Nara 1994
Sleepless Night(Sitting), 1997 ルベル・ファミリー・コレクション、マイアミ/Rubell Familly Collection , Minami
©Yoshitomo Nara 1997
MIssing in Action 個人蔵/
Private Collection c/o Delahunty Fine Art
©Yoshitomo Nara 1999
MIssing in Action - Girl Meests Boy -, 2005 広島現代美術館/
Horoshima City Museum of Contemporary Art
©Yoshitomo Nara 2005
Blankey , 2012 個人蔵/Private Collection
©Yoshitomo Nara 2012
NoMeans No , 2014 個人蔵/Private Collection
©Yoshitomo Nara 2014
Dead Night , 2016 個人蔵/Private Collection
©Yoshitomo Nara 2016
Photo: Mie Morimoto ©Yoshitomo Nara 2017





「for better or worse」、すなわち「どのような運命になろうとも」、奈良がこれまで描いてきた、そしてこれから描いていくすべての作品へむけた誓いの展覧会です。


Nara’s artworks have a sincerity that resonates with viewers regardless of their culture, social background, age or gender. They are poignant yet psychologically charged meditations on solitude and memory. By evoking universally shared emotions and experiences, Nara allows viewers to relate to his work on a deeply personal level.

From the late 1980s, Nara spent a decade based in Düsseldorf and Cologne, Germany, where he developed his artistic language—figurative images drawn from memories and the profound solitude he felt during his childhood in northern Japan. Early on, his practice was characterized by bold compositions, be it in richly layered paintings on canvas, spontaneous and emotionally direct drawings, or installations of found objects. From the mid-1990s, Nara gained increasing recognition, establishing himself not only in the international art world but also in the broader pop cultural consciousness. Since the 2000s, he has further refined his compositions to depict figures that gaze directly at the viewer. These paintings have an almost translucent quality—a radiance that lingers in the mind.

Nara’s travels all over the world, his encounters with people from countless different walks of life, and his love of art, history, literature and music have all shaped his sensibility. The emotional residue of these experiences is evident in his work. Believing in art as a means to form connections, he leaves open a space for a variety of different readings and emotional responses, ranging from catharsis to political defiance and hope.

“For better or for worse” is a wedding vow: a lifetime commitment from one person to another. This exhibition is Nara’s promise to his works—they are his past, his present, and his future. They are his destiny.


Hours and Admission
10:00-17:30 [last admission: 17:00]
Closed on Mondays [open on Ju. 17, Aug. 14 and Sep. 18]

Adults 1,500[1,300] yen
High school and University Students 1,000 [800] yen
Junior high school age and under free
*Bracketed figures represent the fees for groups and advanced tickets
*Free entry: High school students in Toyota, the disables and the older than 75 living in Toyota

Organized by: Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Chukyo TV. Broadcasting Co., Ltd.
Coorganized by: The Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Assisted by: Aichi Prefectural Board of Education
Supported by: Blum and Poe, PACE, Yamato Logistics Co., Ltd., Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd.

開館時間 10時〜17時30分(入場は17時まで)

豊田市美術館 中京テレビ放送






Blum and Poe、Pace Gallery、ヤマトロジスティクス、あいおいニッセイ同和損保


一般 1,500円[1,300円]
高校・大学生 1,000円[800円]
中学生以下 無料


一般 1,500円[1,300円]
高校・大学生 1,000円[800円]
中学生以下 無料

[ ]内は20名以上の団体料金、障がい者手帳をお持ちの方(介添者1名)、豊田市内在住又は在学の高校生及び豊田市内在住の75歳以上は無料[要証明]、観覧料の減免対象者及び割引等についてはホームページをご確認いただくか、豊田市美術館へお問い合わせください。


7月30日[日] 14:00-(開場は12:30-)
豊田市民文化会館大ホール(豊田市小坂本町12-100 Tel.0565-33-7111)
*定員1,000名 *事前のお申し込みが必要です。申込サイトまたは往復はがきによりご応募ください。いずれも6月20日必着。6月30日までに当落の連絡を発送します。おひとり様一通限り、一通につき一名のご応募となります。当日は当選の通知及び本展覧会の観覧券が必要です。
【往復はがき】往信用のはがきの裏面に、郵便番号、住所、お名前、電話番号を記入し、返信用のはがきの宛名面を記入したうえで、豊田市美術館講演会抽選係(471-0034 豊田市小坂本町8-5-1)までお送りください。

8月5日[土] 14:00-(整理券配布13:00、開場13:30)

8月20日[日]、9月9日[土] いずれも15:00-