The Insight of Kenjiro Okazaki - Abstract Art as Impact
ーHow Abstract Art can become Concrete Tools
The Insight of Kenjiro Okazaki - Abstract Art as Impact
ーHow Abstract Art can become Concrete Tools
岡﨑 乾二郎
Abstract Art as Impact
─How Abstract Arts can become Concrete Tools
Kenjiro Okazaki
What lay at the core of artistic development since Cubism was Materialism—the idea that matter bypasses perception and works directly upon the mind. This concreteness and directness of matter was what Abstract Art pursued. The most important tool of the avant-garde is this concrete power of Abstract Art. However, after the Second World War, the essence of Abstract Art became distorted and forgotten. There are several reasons for this turn of events. The first is the misinterpretation that Abstract Art was merely a visual pursuit (as demonstrated by American Abstract Expressionism); the second is the biased view which sees Abstract Art as a matter of stylistic design (as claimed by Taro Okamoto); and the third is the misuse of the term “Concrete” (as shown by the Gutai group). These erroneous views have together impeded the clear understanding of how Abstract Art before the war actually developed. Consequently, the activities of Japanese artists who were interconnected with movements in other parts of the world have been greatly misunderstood. This exhibition aims to cut open this obscuring veil that still covers the art world today, and re-discover the potentials of avant-garde inherent in the Abstract Arts. The works of Kazuo Sakata, Ryusei Kichida, Koshiro Onchi, Tomoyoshi Murayama, Jiro Yoshihara, Saburo Hasegawa, or Ei-Q, will be understood for the first time in connection to their contemporary avant-garde artists such as Picabia, Duchamp, Doesburg, Morandi, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Jean Arp, or Edward Wadsworth. This exhibition will finally dissipate the obscurity of post-war art history and reveal the true potential of Abstract Art that is all the more significant in today’s world
開館時間 | 10:00-17:30(入場は17:00まで) 休館日=月曜 |
会場 | 豊田市美術館 展示室1~4 |
主催 | 豊田市美術館 |
観覧料 | 一般800円[700円]/高校・大学生500円[400円]/中学生以下無料 |
企画監修 | 岡﨑乾二郎(造形作家) |