Tomiaki Yamamoto | Floating Spots, Particles, Bio-rythm
Tomiaki Yamamoto | Floating Spots, Particles, Bio-rythm
Tomiaki Yamamoto (1949 – ) is a painter who has received acclaim both in Japan and internationally for his works of overwhelming scale and intense color. Based in Aichi Prefecture since the beginning of his career, Yamamoto continues to produce work at his studio in the forest in the city of Toyota.
This exhibition presents two new works that make use of the “dots” (spots/particles) Yamamoto has been investigating since the 1980s. One is bugs, whose 14,000 are spread across the approximately ten-meter-high, twenty-meter-wide glass face of Toyota Municipal Museum of Art’s distinctive atrium space. The other is a frottage in pencil of withered stumps. These “dots” are found again here, in nature.
In addition, with a selection of early-period collages from the 1970s and 1980s that indicate the origins of these spots, and a thirteen-meter-wide large-scale painting, we will home in on the charm of the “dots” of this artist, who is known for his unique way of painting.
開館時間 | 10:00-17:30(入場は17:00まで) 休館日=月曜 |
観覧料 | 一般300円[250円]/高校・大学生200円[150円]/中学生以下無料 |