Aichi Realism - Haru Miyawaki and His Milieu
Aichi Realism - Haru Miyawaki and His Milieu
宮脇 晴(1902-85)は愛知が生んだ代表的な洋画家の一人です。豊田市美術館はその作品をまとめて収蔵し、常設している美術館でもあります。
<第一部>知のリアリズム ~劉生と「愛美社」の画家たち
<第二部>愛のリアリズム ~家族への視線
グループとしての「愛美社」の活動からメンバー個々の表現追及への移行、細密描写を少しずつ離れつつあった宮脇自身の表現、そして決定的な1929年の劉生の死亡。 1930年代以降の宮脇の表現は、それまでのものとは大きく違った方向へ舵をとります。
客観的や主観的な視点の違いはあっても、第一部、第二部ともに宮脇 晴の人間に対する興味と深い愛にあふれています。それは当館のこれまでの収集や展示の重要な柱のひとつでもあります。 この展覧会でも作品から伝わるメッセージに耳を傾けてみてください。
・Haru Miyawaki (1902-85) was a leading painter from Aichi in modern age.
・Toyota Municipal Museum of Art’s collection of his work is the largest possessed in museums.
・This exhibition is an attempt to provide a complete picture of Miyawaki’s works by supplementing works from the Museum’s holdings with outstanding pieces on loan from other collections.
1st part | Realism of Knowledge | Ryusei Kishida and painters of “Aibisha”
In 1917, the exhibition of leading realism painters in Tokyo “Sodosha” including Ryusei Kishida was held in Nagoya. It left deep impact on Miyawaki and his mentor like Seiichiro Osawa, so that they formed a painters group “Aibisha” and challenged new realism expression. For those young painters, realism did not mean only figurative or representational depiction, but also new hope of the time in modern age and an object of their passion.
2nd part | Realism of Love | Painting Family
After the death of Ryusei Kishida, Miyawaki changed his style from minute realism into modernism style with bold lines and flat color. And the subject of his paintings focuses on his family, his wife, children, grand children and himself. His paintings of this period shows his love for the family thorough charming composition and warm color.
開館時間 | 10時〜17時30分(入場は17時まで) 休館日=月曜 |
主催 | 豊田市美術館 |
共催 | 中日新聞社 |
観覧料 | 一般500円[400円]/高校・大学生400円[300円]/中学生以下無料 |